Dear festival visitor,
YENN has no availability during Werchter festival in 2017.
I have collected here some links to help you out.
For Leuven city centre you can check with my colleagues
You can look a bit further afield and explore the area around Leuven.
More information can be found on where you select the Region Hageland or you choose for a municipality close to Leuven.
More about the area around Leuven and the municipalities here
You can search the database of "Logeren in Vlaanderen Vakantieland" (= holidays in Flanders - vacationing country) where you choose Hageland region or the province of Vlaams Brabant.
You'll find here "vakantiewoningen" (= self catering accommodation), campeerterreinen (camping sites), gastenkamers (b&b) and hotels.
There is also the Rock Village on site of course, quality accommodation on the venue itself - more on this here
Try to find a location with bus or train connections to Leuven railway station, where all festival busses arrive. More information on
You can also bring (or rent) a bike and go on your bike to the festival location.
Let us know if this information has been useful to you or if we can add anything practical for future visitors.
Good luck !
... and maybe for a city trip for Leuven book with YENN b&b ?
Feel free to follow us on, check us out on Tripadvisor and visit of course.
Information about the festival on