22 maart 2012

Spring is sprouting new ideas & I'm reactivating this blog

Spring is in the air ...
We hope you spent a nice winter with your family and friends.
We hope the year end festivities were fine and the New Year has started in good conditions.
We had a relaxing time here in Leuven, enjoying the mild weather and winter atmosphere in the historical city centre.As 2012 has started, we are up and running again, looking forward to meeting all our new and many returning guests and families here at YENN.
We want to express our gratitude to all of you for the past year(s) and we hope YENN can be at your service in 2012 again, either for accommodation or for the guided walks and tours, beer and wine experiences or other, with YENN Walks.
YENN brought the idea of 'culinary walk' to Leuven in Spring 2008 and in 2009 our first guests arrived at YENN b&b. Since then, the number of visitors grew on a steady basis, finding a home away from home at the b&b and enjoying the walks & tours & stories of all sorts.
In March last year we launched our website and over the past months we have collected a nice set of reviews on our on line guestbook on http://www.yenn.be/gastenboek.php. If your review has not been posted yet, feel free to inform us about this.In case there are any remarks for change or improvement of our services, we would be glad to hear about this too: always happy to take into account your ideas for better accommodation, better stories, better walks & tours.Looking forward to meeting you again at some point in the future.
This blog was in a bit of a slumber for about a year, but I'm waking it up again ... you'll find more regular posts about the Walks & the b&b or more general things soon.
Spring is definitely sprouting new ideas !
Nadine Gregoor - YENN b&b
Joris De Roy - YENN Walks