24 augustus 2013

YENN b&b's favourite: banana cake or banana bread

YENN b&b tries to limit it's ecological foot print by offering local or organic products at breakfast, ecological cleaning products and sustainable bathroom commodities. 

Moreover Leuven is the World Capital of Banana's

4 medium bananas, mashed
250 gr (9 oz) self raising flour
2 level teaspoons baking powder
100 gr (4 oz) butter, softened
200 gr (7 oz) caster sugar
2 eggs
Measure all the ingredients into a bowl and beat until smooth.
Spoon the mixture into a tin, well greased or lined with greaseproof backing paper.
Bake in a medium hot oven until done.
The cake you had this morning was made with flour for "brown bread" and therefore the crunchy bite in it.  I replaced the self raising flour with "brown bread flour", added more baking powder (see instructions on the baking powder as to how much you need, my small packs are 1 pack to 500 gr of flour).
This cake freezes well.
I bake it when I have 'brown & spotted' bananas (the ones that no one wants to eat anymore).
Have fun and let me know the result when you make it.

Banana bread sprinkled with oat flakes

banana cakes with coffee

banana cakes for work or school